Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Happy Birthday to My Amazing Sister!

So time for a personal post- but I hope you all don't mind! :D

So 18 years ago today I became a big sister for the fist time. I was so proud and so excited- I had waited 9 months for her to get here and FINALLY, my baby sister made her appearance into the world.

Although my joy at her arrival was stunted after I realized she was going to take away the undivided attention that my only-child-self was used to, I still grew pretty fond of her. The fact that when she was able to walk she would follow me around wasn't bad either :)

Even though the days playing cabbage patch dolls and random photo shoots ended when I became too "cool" and thought having a little sister was annoying (hey, I was in Jr. High, everything was too "cool" for me anymore!), I always loved my baby sis- even though I never liked to admit it to her.

I've watched her grow from this cute little curly haired kid with the smirk who loved dalmatians into this amazing and beautiful and outspoken woman. We've become much closer in the past few years and I am honored to call her my best friend. She inspires me daily, and I continue to look up to her. I know she is going to do incredible things in her life, and I am excited and honored to be a part of it. She will always be my little sis, but she will also always be my best and closest friend. I can't wait for the future and for the fun times that we are sure to have together!

So HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kelsey!! :D I hope you have an incredible day. I love you!!


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