Thursday, August 19, 2010

Congrats Cate and Happy Birthday Baby Finn!!!

I have some GREAT news!

Cate (of Simple Matters) had her little boy yesterday and he is absolutely beautiful! Cate is such an incredible friend and I am so happy for her and Jake to be celebrating this incredible time in their lives together. Little Finn is beautiful, and I cannot WAIT to visit in a couple weeks. I know the little guy is going to be getting plenty of camera time from us in the future!

Congrats guys, he is stunning and I cannot wait to meet him!

I stole some pictures from Cate's facebook page, hopefully she doesn't mind! Isn't he just so gosh darn cute?!

So pretty!

This was my absolutely favorite picture when I saw it. It just automatically makes you go "AWWW!!" Daddy looks so sleepy...

Beautiful and proud mommy! I am so proud of Cate, he is a beautiful little guy!


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